Wednesday, November 07, 2012

KL Rain

Sebab dah terkantoi, maka I pun bawaklah Anna and Colin ke Central Market. Rosli pandai, kali ni dia tak mau pergi.I was hoping dia boleh jadi gps.:))

Bila dah tersilap turning (road construction tak habeh2!) we got stuck in a jam kat Bangsar lagi.Yang nak tergelak when I saw this woman in a car next to mine at the traffic light jam.She was waving mcm I ni celebrity.Her gal driver pun melambai2.Rupa2nya Jai and her gal.I pun unwind my window and ckp hey..where are you heading..Jai said ke Melawati and asked apa I buat kat Bangsar jam...and we actually had a conversation mcm one motorcyclist with another...sempat plan dinner with our mutual fren from NZ tu..lepas tu I terasa kelakar sgt and had to explain to Anna and Colin...I don't do this everyday...Anna ckp yeah..I was wondering if you knew so many people in kl which is a big city.

Sebab jam terok sgt, we decided to have dinner kat Shangri-la je.Hujan turun lebat gila.Nasib Mat Salleh berdua ni enjoyed their dinner.Mcm2lah keluar cerita.Untung jadi tourist guide ni.Anna ckp nak dtg Bologna, ckp je.Dia ni Yahudi-Amerika.Asal Austria, kerja kat Italy.She's based in Paris at the mo. but soon would want to move to Bologna which is not far from Florence.Kerja memasang network ni mmglah seronok. :)

Congrats Obama on yet another term.Kau jgn meragamlah pulak bila masuk round ke2 nih.

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